See what others think
Founder Carolyn Cleveland is very proud of the positive feedback received time and time again from workshops and conference sessions.
Here you are invited you to download from just some of the feedback, to see for yourself how Carolyn's approach to training and development is received.

Healthcare: A Journey Through Complaints and Incidents Using Empathy and Compassionate Engagement - Linking to PSIRF, Duty of Candour and Complaints Standards Framework.

Non Healthcare: A Journey Through Complaints and Incidents Using Empathy and Compassionate Engagement - Linking to recognising vulnerability.

Implementing the Duty of Candour and PSIRF with Empathy

A Journey Through Leadership Using Empathy - Linking to psychological Safety, Civility and recognising Vulnerability

BE HUMAN Model - Developing Empathy and Emotional Resilience and guarding against Compassion Fatigue

E-Learning Version: A Journey Through Complaints and Incidents Using Empathy and Compassionate

“I attended Carolyn’s Empathy Training recently as a team member of the NHS Complaints process. Carolyn’s session was informative, personal and allowed us to feel and express a wide range of emotions. Not only did she open up her world to us with her story, she also opened up her heart to us with her warm approach. I enjoyed the variety of different empathetic training resources used (story-telling, psychological texts, videos, group discussions) which meant that the session was split up into interesting segments. I would definitely recommend Carolyn’s empathy training sessions to all- not just on a professional level, but on a life lesson level also. Thank you, Carolyn, for your time and it was a pleasure to get to know you, and grow through you.”
Natasha (Tash) Field Levene, Complaints Officer, NHS England
"Carolyn is one of those rare people who has managed to turn the experience of personal tragedy into something truly beneficial to others. She has things to say that we should all be listening to but sometimes find hard to hear. She skilfully engages any audience, from a single individual to a large conference, not just providing inspiration, but with her passion, galvanising it into motivation, enabling and supporting health professionals to improve their practice. As a trained counsellor she brings a detached rigour to discussions, with an ability to focus on key issues, whilst acknowledging the breadth of all the complications that need to be considered. She is a change maker and challenger but wherever she goes, her infectious smile and positive approach, quite simply help people."
Christopher Fincken, Former Chair, of the UK Council of the Caldicott Guardians.
My colleagues and I attended a mornings training on empathy run by Carolyn. Following a talk which was heartfelt, personalised and emotional, but interspersed with moments of humour, we were given the opportunity to discuss how things could have been handled differently and learn how we might change our own practice to use the knowledge we had acquired. At the end of the morning, the consensus of opinion was, that it had been some of the best training we had experienced. Carolyn’s style is friendly, approachable, humorous and considering the talk is based on personal experience, Carolyn does not come across as sympathy seeking but with a clear desire to try to prevent others from having to experience what she herself has been through.
I would not hesitate to recommend her to any organisation looking to train its staff on the importance of empathy and very much hope we will be able to have another session with this brilliant trainer in the not too distant future.
Stella Cornell, Welfare Officer, Racing Welfare